Neighborhood with houses along a winding street.

How to deal with neighbor complaints or issues


Common neighbor complaints

Whether you rent an apartment or condo租房子或拥有自己的房子,与邻居的良好关系有助于使生活更轻松. Even in the nicest of communities, complexes and neighborhoods, 全面的争吵确实会发生,有些人最终会陷入长期不和. 为什么邻居的抱怨会以争端告终?它们如何才能走向和平解决? 考虑以下提示,并确保你理解你的 renters or home insurance coverages.

Property line disputes

“一盎司的预防胜过一磅的治疗”这句谚语适用于此. 在使用被认为是共享租赁设施或 installing a new fence,与房东核实,或让人对房产进行调查,以确定合法的地段线. For the latter, 从长远来看,如果它有助于防止冲突,这笔费用可能会省钱,也会让人头疼.

Noisy neighbors

Noise is a very common complaint between neighbors. 区分一次性事件是很重要的,例如, 最后一天的学校聚会——与噪音干扰的整体问题. 如果吵闹的公寓邻居或邻居在白天大声播放音乐,影响了你的生活质量, engage in a neutral, calm conversation about concerns. 如果事情没有随着时间的推移而好转,那就找房东. 大多数租约或租赁协议都包含一项名为“安静享受”的条款,"and if several neighbors complain, 房东很可能会命令房客遵守租约,否则将面临驱逐. 如果房东不处理吵闹的邻居, then research local noise ordinances for guidance. However, 大多数邻居抱怨的第一步是在事态升级之前试着把它说出来.

Wandering pets

下班回家,发现车道或草坪上到处都是邻居家猫狗的粪便,这可能会让人感到沮丧. And some animals can be dangerous or bite when left to prowl the neighborhood unattended. Know what the leash laws are in your area. If a low-key conversation doesn't work, 看看当地的规定,比如每户家庭或每份租约允许饲养的动物数量. Then decide the next step to take. If you are a pet owner, explore if pet insurance would be a good fit for you and your family.

Nosy neighbors

有些爱管闲事的邻居只是好奇,或者有时有点太好奇了. If their interest isn't causing harm, let them be. 如果谈话变得过于私人,或者对不该问的问题表示不舒服,那么改变话题是很容易的. 通常不值得为无法控制的事情而争吵.

Maintenance issues

Eyesores aside, unmowed grass, untrimmed trees or bushes 而无人看管的垃圾堆可能违反了租户或业主的规定. Again, try to have a conversation first. If neighbors that rent or own are having trouble keeping up their property due to their age, illness or finances, offer to lend a helping hand. 毕竟,和修剪草坪的人争吵是很难的.

Be sure to talk with your State Farm® agent if you have any questions about your renters insurance or homeowners policy coverages.

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这些提示不是也不应该被视为法律建议. 如果投诉或问题升级,你可能需要咨询律师.

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