

开车时发短信 is one of the most dangerous driving distractions, but 在这里 are some others.


2023年初,状态 Farm® performed a survey of drivers and found that drivers licensed less than 5 years were more likely to interact with their cell phones while driving.


In 2021, 3,522 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, according to the 国家公路交通安全管理局. 开车时发短信 is one of the most dangerous driver distractions, but it's not the only one.


  1. 发短信. 几乎在每个州, 开车时发短信是违法的 所有司机. Reading or sending text messages can wait until you reach your destination.
  2. 梳理. 时间紧迫, 有些人在车里进行美容活动, 比如化妆或使用电动剃须刀. Do yourself and other drivers a favor by completing your morning routine at home.
  3. 饮食. 你冒着热气的咖啡杯可能会洒出来, or ingredients might slip out of your sandwich — any number of distractions can arise when you drive and dine. 为了安全起见,把点心留到停车时再吃.
  4. 监控乘客. Attending to children in the back seat can be a distraction, especially toddlers. 安全驾驶 reports that parents of toddlers are 40% more likely to manage toys or toddler electronics while driving. And 80% of parents admit to giving their toddler a drink, along with 78% who provide snacks. 同时,拥有一个 你膝上的宠物 会影响安全驾驶吗.
  5. 伸长脖子看热闹的. Slowing down to look at a traffic collision could cause a crash of your own. 的 same thing goes for lengthy looks at billboards, a street address or a great mountain view.
  6. 听音乐和信息娱乐系统. Playing your radio at a high volume or wearing headphones can take your focus away from the road. 这些干扰会减少你听到汽车喇叭声的可能性, 紧急车辆或其他关键噪音. 类似的, 随着汽车越来越智能, 后面的DVD播放器和其他乘客设备, t在这里 are more distracting sounds than ever before that may be coming from various parts of the car.
  7. 观看或录制视频. Watching or recording a video while driving takes your eyes off the road. Wait until you’ve reached your destination to view or record videos.
  8. 做白日梦. If you've ever realized you just missed an exit because you weren't paying attention, 你经历过一种常见的分心:白日梦. Resist the urge to drift off while driving and keep your attention on the road. Try varying your typical driving route — a change in scenery and traffic conditions could help you stay alert.
  9. 打瞌睡. 根据一项民意调查 国家睡眠基金会,估计有60%的美国人承认自己有过这种经历 昏昏欲睡时开车25%的人在开车时打瞌睡. 如果你觉得困,就靠边停车. 找一个安全的地方,你可以四处走动,唤醒自己, 在你继续开车之前,换司机或者小睡一会儿.

作为2021年4月全国分心驾驶月的一部分, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and a few of our 状态 Farm agents recorded safe driving videos. 的se tips can help assist teens in making informed decisions before and during their time behind the wheel. 看看这些视频:

Driving distractions for commercial fleet 车辆 drivers to avoid

  1. 发短信. 的 联邦汽车运输安全管理局 prohibits texting by drivers while operating a commercial motor 车辆.
  2. 外界的干扰. Try not to let your focus drift to things outside of your 车辆, 比如广告牌或者其他的人.
  3. 通讯设备. 虽然这些系统可以帮助司机沟通和导航, 当你的车在行驶时,它们可能是危险的. Using radios or other communication systems while driving takes your eyes and hands away from the road, 增加你发生碰撞的风险.
  4. 拿地图或看地图. While reviewing your directions and notes is important for a smooth trip, 把它留到你在休息站的时候. Do not risk taking your focus off the road by reaching for your map and reading it. 而GPS系统通常被认为更安全, 不要试图在驾驶时输入GPS信息.
  5. 吃. 饮食 while driving takes your eyes and hands off the wheel, 哪个对你和你周围的司机来说是危险的. 停下来的时候花一分钟安全地享用你的食物.
  6. 乏力. Drivers should ad在这里 to their company's specific guidelines as well as state and/or 运输部规章 关于驾驶车辆的最长时数. This could help you avoid becoming fatigued and more susceptible to being involved in a crash.
  7. 开车时要注意安全 州立农场提供的更多安全驾驶提示.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Here are tips to help your teen avoid crashes and stay safe on the road.




If you have a child taking driver's ed, it's time to learn the latest updates to the subject.


It's likely to happen, so advise your children what to do when pulled over by police.